I wanted to share some facts with you I read today in a Manpower Inc. press release about how employers are really beginning to struggle to find the skilled workers they need.
41% of the 2400 US firms Manpower Inc. surveyed recently said they’re struggling to find qualified workers for at least one position.
Sales representatives topped the list. That includes retail sales and business to business sales, but not telemarketers. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that by 2014 an additional 736,000 retail sales people and an additional 187,000 sales representatives are going to be required.
Number two on the list was teachers. By 2014, the BLS projects an additional need for 524,000 post-secondary teachers and 265,000 elementary-school teachers.
Mechanics were third on the list, including automotive service technicians, diesel service technicians, small engine mechanics, aircraft and avionics equipment mechanics and industrial machinery repair. More mechanics are retiring than replacement workers are coming in and taking apprenticeships or getting the specialized training they need.
Many job seekers lack sought-after skills. Also there is an increasing number of retiring or soon to be retired baby-boomers. Plus lower birth rates are not keeping up with the numbers who are retiring.
The top ten list looked like this:
Sales representative
Mechanic (include OPE and Small Engine)
Truck Driver
Machine operator
1 comment:
The only thing that causes "shortages" are low wages and/or crappy working conditions. If you would pay people what the job is worth, AND treat the good ones like a resource instead of a cost; you'd get all you need.
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