made up a typical Holiday “feast?” For
starters, it was a roasted turkey pulled out of the oven about an hour before
dinner, and carved shortly thereafter.
There was always a wonderful sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and
turkey giblet gravy, luscious cranberry salad with nuts and real cranberries in
it; regular cranberry sauce; a plate of stuffed celery; southern style green
beans; the aforementioned creamed pearl onions; an orange Jell-O salad with
mandarin oranges; LeSeur baby green peas; a platter of Honey Baked Ham slices;
warm rolls right out of the oven; and a platter of different types of pickles
and olives. Once a serving plate or bowl was placed on the table, many believed
that every spoonful taken out was magically replaced by an additional spoonful
in the bottom of the bowl or plate making it virtually impossible to empty!. I never believed that, but we did wonder
sometimes. Once you ate all you could,
there was never room for desert, so desert was planned for several hours later
(not that there would be any more room then either.).
Next it
was time for someone to be the first to get up from the table. Moving is a very difficult thing to do after
a big meal. It seems like a nice
concept, but it takes a huge effort to accomplish. I’d look across the table at one of my uncles
and wish I could say, “Uncle Bill, drag me over to the big brown sofa and
stretch me out on it so I can get a nap.”
I came close to saying that more than once, but ultimately I knew Uncle
Bill wanted that spot on the brown sofa as much as I did. And the race was on!
deserves its own paragraph. If you
peeked at all the homemade desserts that typically appeared before each holiday
dinner including a fresh coconut cake, a chocolate cake, an apple pie, a
mincemeat pie, a sweet potato pie, a southern-style pecan pie, and vanilla ice
cream, you would become so overwhelmed that you would think you were going to
pass out. We were always asked two
questions: “What do you want for dessert, or do you want a little bit of
everything?” Can you imagine the size of
that plate with a little bit of everything on it? Someone would have to wash the turkey platter
first and use it for “a little bit of everything!” Memories of wonderful food, visiting
relatives and just being with family nourish us year-round.
this Holiday season, don’t forget to share your bountiful blessings and food
with those less fortunate or suffering from the effects of Hurricane Sandy. They deserve our assistance, and our prayers.
Good leaders in
business have a way of deeply connecting with their employees and
co-workers. One way they do this is by
really listening to the people who work for them. They pay attention to what people are telling
them and take it seriously. They are
quick to implement ideas and they are quick to give credit to the person who
had the idea. Likewise, they are willing
to accept blame and criticism when mistakes are made. And they never abandon their employees.
Walter Bemis, in
his book “On Becoming a Leader,” details what he believes to be the differences
between leaders and managers. Some are
worth mentioning. “A manager accepts the
status quo; a leader challenges it. A
manager relies on control; a leader inspires trust. A manager has a short-range view; a leader
has a long-range perspective. A manager
maintains; a leader develops. A manager
administers; a leader innovates. A
manager focuses on systems and structure; a leader focuses on people. A manager asks how and when; a leader asks
what and why. And a manager has his eye
on the bottom line; a leader has his eye on the horizon. Read through the list one more time and think
about which attributes might improve your leadership abilities.
Harvey Mackay’s
recent blog about the effect of good leadership on a business had a terrific
quote by a college professor about how one goes about spotting a leader. The professor said, “I have come to the
conclusion that the only way one can determine a leader is to look at the
person and…see if anybody is following.”
Holidays. Be thankful. Share.
Pray. And most of all, smile, so
someone else will too.